Index of QT8: The First Eight mkv download hd

 QT8: The First Eight mkv download

A detailed account of the life and artistic career of legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, from his early days as a video club manager to the scandalous fall in disgrace of producer Harvey Weinstein. A story about how to shoot eight great movies and become an icon of modern pop culture.
Director Tara Wood
Runtime 2 h 00 min
Release Date 21 October 2019
IMDb Id tt4329810
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not bad
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Starring: Zoë Bell, Bruce Dern, Robert Forster, Jamie Foxx, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Diane Kruger, Lucy Liu, Michael Madsen, Eli Roth, Tim Roth, Kurt Russell, Stacey Sher, Scott Spiegel, Uma Thurman, Christoph Waltz
No trailer added for this movie.