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 High Ground

Set in the 1930s in Northern Australia and is inspired by true events. In a remote corner of the wild country, a bloody war rages. Travis is a bounty hunter with one last hope of redemption. Djumbatj is a young Indigenous man trying to save the last of his family. Together they embark on a manhunt, which unravels a secret that ultimately pits them against each other.
Director Stephen Johnson
Runtime 1 h 44 min
Release Date 23 February 2020
IMDb Id tt9286908
Movie Media Blu-ray
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not bad
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Starring: Simon Baker, Jacob Junior Nayinggul, Jack Thompson, Callan Mulvey, Caren Pistorius, Esmerelda Marimowa, Ryan Corr, Witiyana Marika, Aaron Pedersen, Sean Mununggurr
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