Index of Movies The One You Feed HD Download

The One You Feed

The One You Feed

20201 h 26 min


A Stranger (30s) hikes out of town and into the forest. He sets up camp for the night. He hears a deep howling, peeks his head out the tent and gets attacked -- leaving him unconscious. An anonymous Man (25) drags his body to a house, which is nestled in a place that time has somehow forgotten. The injured Stranger awakens in a bed as a Woman (35) nurses him back to health. This Man and Woman play a game with this Stranger, a game that pushes him to the brink of madness.


Director Drew Harwood

Runtime 1 h 26 min

Release Date 29 December 2020

IMDb Id tt9716058


Movie Media Other

Movie Status Available

Movie Rating Not rated


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Starring: Rebecca Fraiser, Drew Harwood, Gareth Koorzen, Richard Watson

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