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 A Woman Deceived

A deadly game of lies.

It’s been one year since Elizabeth’s husband, Bill, died in a tragic horseback riding accident and she is starting to move on. When she runs into Travis Brown, the cowboy she met the same weekend Bill died, the two immediately hit it off. Travis is just what Elizabeth needed to come into her life and they soon get married. When new evidence surfaces implying that Bill’s death wasn’t an accident, Elizabeth must find a way to protect herself and her son from the man she married.
Director Michael Feifer
Runtime 1 h 27 min
Release Date 18 May 2017
IMDb Id tt6015068
Movie Status —
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: Ashley Scott, Jay Pickett, David DeLuise, Luke Judy, Brian Krause, Mekenna Melvin, Paige Rowland, Peter Sherayko, Melissa Martinez, Laura Pinner, Brandon Jarrett
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