Index of Monsters of man mkv download hd

 Monsters of Man

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20202 h 11 min

A robotics company vying to win a lucrative military contract team up with a corrupt CIA agent to conduct an illegal live field test. They deploy four weaponized prototype robots into a suspected drug manufacturing camp in the Golden Triangle, assuming they'd be killing drug runners that no one would miss. Six doctors on a humanitarian mission witness the brutal slaughter and become prime targets.
Director Mark Toia
Runtime 2 h 11 min
Release Date 19 November 2020
IMDb Id tt6456326
Movie Media Other
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring Neal McDonough, Brett Tutor, Jose Rosete, David Haverty, Paul Haapaniemi, Ryan Hough, Ma Rynet, Kayli Tran, Jessica Blackmore, Jordy Tulleners, Tatjana Marjanovic, David Samartin, Trong Kam, Taylor Leigh Edwards, Conrad K. Pratt, Ly Ty
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