Index of Anything For Jackson mkv download hd

 Anything For Jackson

After losing their only grandson in a car accident, grief-stricken Audrey and Henry, a doctor, kidnaps his pregnant patient with the intentions of performing a “reverse Exorcism”, putting Jackson inside her unborn child. It doesn’t take long to figure out Jackson isn’t the only ghost the grandparents invited into their home. Now it’s a race against time for the couple, as well as the pregnant woman to figure a way out of the haunting they’ve set upon themselves.
Director Justin G. Dyck
Runtime 1 h 36 min
Release Date 1 September 2020
IMDb Id tt12137964
Movie Media Other
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Good
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Starring: Yannick Bisson, Josh Cruddas, Konstantina Mantelos, Sheila McCarthy, Julian Richings
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